|  (858) 459-7600


Workshops, Online Courses, Troubleshooter Certificate Program

We want you to feel confident that you are getting what you want. Here is how to make sure you are happy with the value you receive. We take the risk – you decide.

A. Standard Critical Thinking Workshops

We have a Guaranteed 10X Return On Your Training Investment for our standard two-day Critical Thinking and Critical Thinking For Leaders workshops. Each classroom workshop includes two hours of direct application to real current job issues of participants. The value gained by analyzing current job issues in the workshop will exceed 10X your training investment or the training is free. Be sure to ask us for details about how this can be structured for your next workshop.

B. Online Training Courses

Unconditional Guarantee
Take any of our online courses. You must be satisfied with value received from your e-learning course or we will process a full refund. We will part friends. No questions asked.

C. Troubleshooter I Certificate

Step-By-Step Guarantee
We want to remove the risk for candidates in terms of time and money spent in this certificate program. Our step-by-step guarantee is our solution. Each step was created to be an independently valuable experience regardless if it is part of our Certificate program or not. You can’t evaluate the whole journey by just evaluating one piece but you can evaluate whether that piece was of value all by itself! So, we guarantee that you will be satisfied with what you learn at each step of your journey. When you complete any step decide if it was worth the time and money. If yes, move on to the next step. If no, stop, ask for a full refund for that step and stop the process right there. You are in the driver’s seat. In effect, you signal to us that you are receiving adequate (even exceptional) value by continuing from one step to the next. Or, you can stop after an unacceptable step and receive the money you paid for it, in full. No questions asked and we part friends!