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Boost College-Grad Prospects

Now you can earn 1, 2 or 3 different critical thinking certificates, working online, at your own pace. Be strategic. Select certificate programs that best match the critical thinking requirements of the position you want! These thinking tools work well for teams and individuals. At your interview offer third party validation that you have the problem solving, decision making and/or project management skills the job demands!

Opportunity: ALL our critical thinking course content is now available online.

Problem Solving Certificate – Earn this certificate. Complete the online Systematic Problem-Solving course (SPS-all/ ~6 hours / $989). You’ll learn how to identify, analyze and verify the root causes of any type problem. These thinking tools apply equally well to a range of problems, from the simple to the complex, and those affecting products, services, people or processes. This is the most highly valued critical thinking skill in the job market today!

Decision Making Certificate – Earn this certificate. Complete the online Systematic Decision-Making course (SDM-all / ~5  hours / $899). Learn how to turn vague, general concerns into targeted specific, factual issues. Increase your ability to evaluate any decision situation, avoiding traps that kill creativity. Learn how to uncover the real needs of any situation and use them to determine the best-balanced action given a full analysis of benefits and risks. Share with others, make presentations or use your analysis to develop detailed RFP (request for proposals) to use with suppliers. (Bonus – this is an excellent tool you can use immediately to analyze what job you should seek and ultimately what offer to accept assuring the best fit for you!)

Project Management Certificate – Earn this certificate. Complete the online Systematic Project Management course (SPM-all  / ~6 hours / $899). Learn a simple three phase approach to defining, planning and implementing any project. This is not a survey course. It teaches an integrated, step-by-step process for defining, planning and implementing projects of all types.

As a new employee, will you be working as a project team member? Very likely! Project teams can be formed anytime there is a decision that needs to be implemented. As a new employee, you will get a “work package” assignment either for you alone or to complete in concert with others. Demonstrate competence in project management to earn more important work assignments and responsibility launching your career path from there.

Job interviews can include one or more “What if . . . “questions! When your interviewers turn to you and ask:

“Here is a hypothetical situation.  How would you approach it?”

You’ll be able to lay out the logic needed to fully understand any situation and make a rational recommendation. In short, you will be able to demonstrate you can think “practically”, knowing how to logically approach any situation, using an effective discovery and decision process.

It’s time to be proactive about winning the job you want. Employers are making it clear they want people who are good thinkers. Prepare yourself for the transition from academia to working in the wider world.

What do employers want?
Watch this detailed 5’36” video
: College Seniors! (~5’)
What value will you gain with one or more certificates?

  • Proof you have what major organizations want. This will increase your chances of getting the job you want.
  • Research by the University of Melbourne found that critical thinking skills are worth an average of A$7,745 first year salary premium!

100% Money back guarantee. You risk nothing. We guarantee you will learn practical thinking tools. With our training, you decide if you got your money’s worth. If YES, we will immediately send you your certificate. If NO, we’’ll keep the certificate and refund your money. We’ll part as friends, no questions asked.

We recommend that you begin with the Systematic Problem-Solving (SPS-all) course to earn a Problem-Solving certificate.

Interested?  Contact us at about any of the above Critical Thinking Certificates.

Attention College Seniors!

Business Processes Inc. * P.O. Box 1456 * La Jolla, CA. 92038

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